Below is some of the picture references about video game and pinball machine.
Pinball machine was appeared during 1930. Pinball machine was kept on being improved by adding in tilt mechanism, bumpers, flipers, scoreboard and so on.In 1966, the first digital scoring pinball machine, "Rally Girl" was released Rally. In 1975, the first solid-state electronic pinball machine, the "Spirit of 76", was released by Micro.
I think pinball machine also one of the elements contain retro styling.

Nintendo is one of the famous brand in gaming world. Nintendo was found in 1889. During 1889, Nintendo is a card company and marketeda playing card game.Colour tv games system are produced in 1977. In 1887, Nintendohome video game system launched in North America and was accompanied by Super Mario Bros, best selling video game.
I like super mario also. I played super mario since i was young until now. I can fully see the differnces between 80s games and nowadays games. Nowadays games are more towards to realistic, high resolution and 3D. However, 80s games are build up by box, it look pixelate and 2D.